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About “Alex”

My name is Alex and I am a project manager at a digital marketing agency. We have a new project coming up that requires specialized skills which we don’t currently have in-house. Therefore, I am in search of a skilled freelancer to work on this project with us.

The project is a digital marketing campaign for a new product launch. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating and managing successful digital marketing campaigns, with a focus on social media marketing, PPC advertising, and email marketing.

I have posted a job listing on several freelancing platforms and have been receiving applications from interested candidates. I am carefully reviewing each application and resume to ensure that we find the best fit for this project.

If you are interested in this project, please apply with your resume and a portfolio of your previous work. I look forward to hearing from you.

Posted projects

  • Project costCost €50.00 - €100.00

The project entails creating a promotional video for a new product launch. The video needs to be engaging, visually appealing, and highlight the product’s unique…

  • Project costCost €200.00 - €500.00

The project entails the development of a mobile app for a fitness tracking platform. The app needs to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that…

  • Project costCost €600.00 - €700.00

The project entails designing a new website for a local coffee shop in our area. The website needs to be modern, visually appealing, and easy…