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About “Brooklyn”

Hello, my name is Brooklyn Chan and I am a SQL database administrator. My job involves managing, maintaining and optimizing databases to ensure they operate efficiently and effectively.

As a database administrator, I work closely with developers, system administrators and other IT professionals to design, implement and maintain databases that meet the needs of our organization. This involves creating database schemas, configuring database security settings, monitoring database performance and troubleshooting any issues that arise.

In addition to my technical responsibilities, I also play a key role in ensuring data integrity and security. I work with our information security team to develop and implement policies and procedures for safeguarding our databases and the sensitive information they contain.

Overall, being a SQL database administrator requires a strong understanding of database architecture and design, as well as expertise in SQL programming and database management tools. It’s a challenging but rewarding role that allows me to make a significant impact on the performance and success of our organization.

Posted projects

The system should be web-based and user-friendly, with a clean and modern interface that is easy to navigate. The ideal candidate should have experience in…

  • Project costCost €50.00 - €110.00

We are looking for a talented freelance social media content creator to help us elevate our brand’s online presence. Our company is a start-up that…

The job entails designing and developing a mobile app for a restaurant. The ideal candidate should have experience in UI/UX design, as well as expertise…