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About β€œEthan”

Hello! πŸ‘‹ I’m Ethan Wallace, a seasoned DevOps Specialist with a passion for streamlining development processes and optimizing system performance. πŸš€

About Me: With a robust background in deploying, automating, maintaining, and managing production systems, I bring a wealth of experience to the table. My expertise lies in bridging the gap between development and operations to ensure seamless integration and delivery.


  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Proficient in setting up pipelines for automated builds, testing, and deployment.
  • Containerization: Experienced in Docker for containerization, ensuring consistent deployment across various environments.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Well-versed in tools like Terraform and Ansible for automating infrastructure provisioning.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Implementing effective monitoring solutions (e.g., Prometheus) and centralized logging (e.g., ELK stack) for real-time insights.

Why Choose Me: I thrive on challenges and am dedicated to creating robust, scalable, and secure systems. My goal is to enhance your development workflow, reduce downtime, and boost overall efficiency.

Recent Projects:

  • Orchestrated a CI/CD pipeline, reducing deployment time by 30%.
  • Implemented Kubernetes clusters for container orchestration, ensuring scalability and high availability.

Let’s Collaborate: If you’re looking for a DevOps Specialist who can elevate your development operations, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency, let’s connect! I’m ready to contribute my skills to your team and drive success.

Posted projects

We are seeking an experienced and highly skilled DevOps Specialist to join our dynamic team. As a DevOps Specialist, you will play a crucial role…